

Unloading of Classes and Interfacesより

Classes and interfaces loaded by the bootstrap loader may not be unloaded.


Consequently, whether a class or interface has been unloaded or not should be transparent to a program.


Since we can never guarantee that unloading a class or interface whose loader is potentially reachable will not cause reloading, and reloading is never transparent, but unloading must be transparent, it follows that one must not unload a class or interface while its loader is potentially reachable. A similar line of reasoning can be used to deduce that classes and interfaces loaded by the bootstrap loader can never be unloaded.

can never guarantee? deduce?

「one must not unload a class or interface while its loader is potentially reachable」から、クラスローダーが到達可能であるときは絶対にクラスはunloadされないと考えていいのかな。
